Membership Information
MPS - Local Presence and Service
MPS needs you - Our power to advocate for our profession and our patients strengthens with each member’s support and involvement.
MPS Membership Benefits (flier) Education:
Related Professional Affiliations:
Qualifications for Membership The APA and the MPS are organizations composed primarily of medical specialists who are qualified, or in the process of becoming qualified, as psychiatrists. The basic eligiblity requirement is completion of a residency program (or currently enrolled in an accredited residency training program) in psychiatry accredited by the Residency Review Committee for Psychiatry of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPS), or the American Osteopathic Assocation (AOA). Applicants for membership must also hold a valid medical license (exception: hold an academic, research or governmental position that does not require licensure), and provide one reference who is an APA member. The APA has a dual membership requirement whereby APA members must also be members of the district branch within whose jurisdiction they reside or practice. Likewise, to be an OPPA member, you must also be a member of the APA. Dues Click here for more information. How to Apply (Click here to Join APA-MPS) If you wish to apply for membership in the MPS and the APA or would like more information, please contact us at: Minnesota Psychiatric Society 2738 Evergreen Circle, St Paul, MN 55110 office 651-407-1873 fax 651-407-1754 or call the APA Office of Membership at 1-888-357-7924 APA Membership MPS/APA On-line General Membership Application (APA website) Resident-Felllow Member Application (APA website) |
APA - National Strength and Resources Risk Management courses: The APA/DBs partnered with our endorsed medical liability carrier American Professional Agency (APA, Inc) to create 9 risk management courses. These APA PRA Category I Credit™ courses are free for members and also count towards the three hours required to receive a 5% discount off your professional liability policy. They can be found at
New APA Learning Center (For RFMs): Resident and Fellow members have free access to over 40 online courses designed to supplement and reinforce what RFMs are learning in the patient care setting and to help them prepare for the business side of medicine. Find these and other RFM benefits at New APA Learning Center (General member content): Top-notch education designed to advance clinical and practice management skills and promote quality patient care. Earn CME credit with over 40 on-demand courses, which are either substantially discounted for members or, in some cases, free. Also, fulfill MOC Part 4 requirements by participating in Performance in Practice (PIP) Physician Practice Assessment Tools (free for APA members, $399 for non-members). Credits completed through the APA Learning Center will automatically be conveyed to ABPN and not be subject to audit. Visit the APA Learning center at Members can opt in to the APA’s Find a Psychiatrist database that helps patients find psychiatrists by geographic and practice area. This is a great member benefit to help psychiatrists connect with new patients: Find leaders, policies, historic information, colleagues and more at Find leadership opportunities and over forty APA awards at ![]() Apply to Become an APA Fellow—It's Now Easier!
Are you ready to take the next step in your professional career? Members who pursue fellow status perceive it as one of the first steps to enhancement of their professional credentials. Members who apply and are approved this year for fellow status will be invited to participate in the Convocation of Distinguished Fellows during APA's 2015 annual meeting in Toronto. The application deadline for international members is August 1; click HERE for more information and an application. The deadline for U.S. and Canadian members is September 1; for more information and an application, click HERE. Materials: Click the links below to view. |