Improving Minnesota’s mental health care through education, advocacy, and sound psychiatric practice and achieving health equity.
Physician leadership creating the nation's highest quality, affordable, and accessible system of mental health care.
Guiding Principles
Improving Minnesota’s mental health care through education, advocacy, and sound psychiatric practice and achieving health equity.
Physician leadership creating the nation's highest quality, affordable, and accessible system of mental health care.
Guiding Principles
- MPS brings the expertise and physician leadership of our members to solve Psychiatry and Mental Health issues in Minnesota
- MPS is committed to continuous improvement of the quality of care and the well-being of all Minnesotans with psychiatric illnesses
- MPS works in collaboration with others to fulfill its vision
MPS Strategic Areas of Focus
AdvocacyAdvocate for a high quality, accessible mental health care system based on sound science and evidenced based models of care.
Advocacy Goals
EducationProvide training and education to improve quality of care, maintain clinical competencies, and build skills and leadership in emerging and integrated models of care.
Education Goals
Organizational AdvancementAdvance the MPS mission and vision with improved infrastructure and engaged membership to be seen as the expert voice and a leader on issues of mental health care in Minnesota.
Organizational Advancement Goals